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BONUS: Get Your Personalized Roadmap

Book your FREE 1-1 call now and get a personalized roadmap to conquer your fear of speaking in front of audience.

We’ll pinpoint your BIGGEST challenges and uncover root causes behind your public speaking anxiety. Plus, you'll get 5 practical steps you can implement TODAY to reduce your anxiety by 50%. (See Calendar Below)

What Others Are Saying ...

Waqas truly cares about what he does ...

Waqas is an extraordinary coach and educator. His approach to public speaking anxiety and overall public speaking skills coaching is profound. He truly cares about what he does and the services he provides to his clients. If you're looking to improve your public speaking, Waqas is your coach. If you're looking for a transformational journey, then I HIGHLY recommend Waqas.

Kit Pang, Founder and Public Speaking Coach at BostonSpeaks

Now I feel more comfortable being myself on and off-stage ...

I started coaching [with Waqas] because I use public speaking a lot in my role as a business owner. I would get really anxious about speaking in groups. Every time I had a speaking event, my mind would go blank when it was my turn and I'd stumble over my words.

Waqas helped me identify one of my biggest anxieties around public speaking came from a small handful of experiences that convinced me I wasn't good at it. I didn't realize the thing that was holding me back from improving my speaking,

came from my own limiting beliefs about myself.

Now I feel more comfortable being myself on and off-stage. I don't worry about making mistakes or memorizing things now. I speak up more in social settings now. I have a newfound confidence.

Jessica Lopez, Business Owner, Level-3 Reiki Master

Waqas proved it to me that he genuinely wants to help by actually helping ...

I booked a speaking mentorship call with Waqas and found him to be an extremely patient and understanding person. Initially, I was scared to go ahead with him and had inhibitions about it turning to a sales call. But his humility changed mind. He was kind enough to gave me full time to fully listen me patiently to understand the problem, and offered a complimentary call to share strategies to deal with the problem. I found him trustworthy and authentically caring about helping others. He proved it to me that he genuinely wants to help by actually helping!

Shubhanshi Gupta, INDIA

Researcher, Freelance Writer for Mental Health, Coach for Students & Professionals

About Me ...

Hi, I'm Waqas.

I know firsthand how debilitating public speaking and social anxiety can be as I lived with it for over 3 decades. I’ve been in your shoes and know how liberating it feels to be free of those fears.

In 2019, after a particularly humiliating public experience, I decided enough was enough. It took me 2 years, a lot of hard work, and significant financial investments to finally overcome my fears.

I made many mistakes and learned from them, so you don't have to struggle for years and solve any mysteries to become a confident speaker.

My transformation is proof that change is possible, which drives my passion to help you achieve the same.

Since You Are Ready to ...

  • Speak up in meetings without freezing up and getting nervous
  • Overcome fear of being exposed, mind going blank on stage
  • Overcome intense worry weeks before a presentation
  • Face your audience without feeling judged

  • Gain the self-confidence you've always desired

...Then Simply Schedule Your FREE Bonus Discovery Call Below.

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